Towards Braiding

2019, 104 pp

When relationships fall apart, the easiest choice for many organizations is to bail out of the conflict and start again without being able to learn the wider lessons that the falling apart is teaching. Instead, consider a different invitation: stay with the trouble, learn from the failures, work through the different dimensions of the problem apart and together, do it for the benefit not only of the organization, but also for other groups and organizations.

Best intentions are not always aligned with actions, and the most carefully designed plans are not always matched up with aspirations. Often, the frameworks used, comprised of desires, intentions, plans, and actions, are the wrong starting points altogether. Developing the sensibilities for making necessary personal and organizational changes is a precondition for braiding; everything that needs to be learned or unlearned is one small part of a large metabolism that both nurtures us and unburdens us. Moving towards braiding is hard work.

Towards Braiding is part of a learning journey that Musagetes has embarked on to transform themselves, the organization, and, hopefully, the wider communities of which they are part. Musagetes is committed to tending to the wounds of each other, of their communities, of other creatures, and of the planet. But they’re just now learning what it means to do this tending and know they need to learn from inevitable failures and mistakes in this process.


  • Bricks and Threads
  • Braiding
  • For organizations starting this journey
  • When things fall apart
  • Missteps on the path to braiding
  • Towards generative braiding manifestations
  • Reflecting forward

Also see Towards Scarring our Collective Soul Wound, the second book in this series.

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