Stories of Jesus: From The Message, A Contemporary Rendering of the Bible

illust. Vicki Shuck
Book, 1999, 112 pp
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Telling stories is one of the most basic forms of communication. Centuries ago, stories entertained people around a campfire at night...But Jesus didn't tell stories to entertain. He told them to connect the deep things of God to our everday lives. Jesus' stories, besides inviting us into a larger world than we presently inhabit, pull us into it as participants.

Discover the wisdom Jesus presented to his first followers as Peterson reports the stories of the biblical past in a way that makes them come uniquely alive in the present. "Stories of Jesus" invites you to sit down, listen and open your eyes so you can begin to think and live in ways that change the story of your life.

Excerts taken from The Message.
GenreBiblical Retellings
AudienceAdults, Youth
PublisherTyndale House Publishers

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